We need to hear from YOU.

Dearest readers, we want to hear from you!

We are looking to release a video blog series on the topics of MOST interest to you.  Thus, we want to know what topics are of utmost importance.  What voids or questions do you still have in regards to genetics, graduate school, genetic counseling program interviews, etc?  What topics can you not get enough of?   Would you enjoy a video blog?

Please comment below or email us!  mapsandgenes@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “We need to hear from YOU.

  1. Sarah Elizabeth Darville says:

    Thank you all so much for all of your insight into the profession! I am currently looking at all of the choices for Genetic Counseling Programs while working on pre requisites.

    I do have a question… especially to Sarah as it is a question regarding prerequisites for the University of South Carolina. Do I need to take the MCAT and Inorganic 1 and 2, as these are required to be admitted into The School of Medicine? Thanks again for all of the wonderful posts!!

    • Hello,

      For all genetic counseling programs, you take the GRE exams not the MCAT (thank goodness).

      If you are interested in the South Carolina program specifically, there requirements can be found here. You just need to have general chemistry and biochemistry. However, at my undergraduate program you HAD to take Inorganic I, Organic I, and Organic II in order to take a formal biochemistry course. So, really you would have to check with your college and see what prerequisites are needed for biochemistry. I also was able to find a summer lab course that was organic and biochemistry which some but not all schools accepted as meeting this requirement.

      If you are interested in the requirements for all schools, you can find the full list of schools and their websites here.

      Hope that helps!

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